31 August 2011

cocktail bartending steps sketch for MINT CLUB cocktail bar area

boceto de pasos del cocktail para el camarero para el area de cockteles en el MINT CLUB 

30 August 2011

early nib sketch for vazva summer sales storefront design

boceto preliminar a plumilla para el diseño de escaparates de rebajas veraniegas de vazva

29 August 2011

prelim sketch of a japanese print like illustration for one of the spaces at the MINT CLUB (a coruña)

boceto preliminar de una ilustración en plan grabado japonés para uno de los espacios en el MINT CLUB (a coruña)

28 August 2011

felicidades carlos alvarez!

b-day present for friend photographer carlos alvarez!

regalo de cumple para amigo y fotografo carlos alvarez!

27 August 2011

creature design for short story "...our last dance" published on BARSOWIA #16
character is bulky and brut but has a bit of a sorry look... needed for the story

diseño de criatura para la historia corta "...out last dance" publicado en BARSOWIA #16
el personaje es grandote y bruto pero tiene una pinta un poco triste... necesaria para la historia.

26 August 2011

retro timeless hero character design for "...our last dance"
hair line is way back... seems like he's balding
should look a bit assoholic

diseño de personaje héroe retro anacrónico para "...our last dance"
la linea del pelo esta muy retrasada... parece que se esta quedando calvo
deberia tener pinta de gilipollas

25 August 2011

brutish hero designs for "...our last dance"
these look nice and simple... in the actual story pages i got a bit more detailed than i had planned for...
horror vacui, known to happen to me

diseños para el héroe brutote en "...our last dance"
estos son simples y efectivos... en las paginas de la historia acabe haciendo mas detalles de los que había planeado originalmente...
horror vacui, suele pasarme

24 August 2011

early hero guy sketch for "...our last dance"
waist is way up and the look is more industrial age than i wanted (looks like a factory worker)
face looks bad.. 

boceto temprano para héroe en "...our last dance"
la cintura esta suuuper alta y el look es mas de la edad industrial de lo que buscaba (parece un currante de factoría)
la cara esta fatal...

23 August 2011

another early sketch for one of the heroes on "...our last dance"
this one looks ridiculously older than what i wanted (looks like errol flynn on robin hood)
the face is to brut!

PD: i LOOOVE errol flynn's robin hood!!!

otro boceto preliminar para uno de los heroes en "...our last dance"
este es demasiado anticuado y cursi para lo que buscaba (parece errol flynn en robin hood)
la cara es muy bruta!
PD: yo ADORO el robin hood de errol flynn!!

22 August 2011

these are some of the earlier sketches or doodles rather for "...our last dance" short story
the creature's face and both heroes heads are allready there quite close to their final look but i still had to go and design it all wrong to later back to the first idea ...

estos son algunos de los primeros bocetos o maragatos para la historia corta de "...our last dance"
la cara de la criatura y de ambos héroes esta ya dibujada de manera bastante próxima al look final, pero aun así tuve que ponerme a diseñarlo todo mal para después volver a la primera idea... 

21 August 2011

at the beginning with "...our last dance" i thought of having both heroes dressed with tunics or gowns, as if they belonged to some sort of cult or something similar, since in part it looked like the creature was making some sort of ritual with the woman on the ruins... 

al principio con de todo con "...our last dance" me plantee hacer que ambos héroes fuesen vestidos con túnicas como si perteneciesen a algún tipo de culto o algo así, ya que en parte podría parecer que la criatura esta realizando algún tipo de ritual con la mujer en las ruinas.
creo que me fui con algo que los diferenciase mejor y el look mas estereotipado de personajes de aventureros del 1800

20 August 2011

character design for the female on "...our last dance"
victim look and evil look!
good thing i passed on the footwear!
diseños de personaje para la mujer en  "...our last dance"
look de victima y look de maligno!
menos mal que pase de ese calzado!

19 August 2011

other early hero heads for  "...our last dance"
very little of these got through to the finals... maybe the one with the X

otras cabezas de heroe para  "...our last dance"
casi nada de estas llego a los diseños finales... quizas la que tiene la X 

18 August 2011

early brut hero for "...our last dance"
clothes stayed close... body & head did not

boceto temprano para  "...our last dance"
ropa prevaleció mas o menos ... cuerpo y cabeza no

17 August 2011

trying out different clothing and weathering for the woman on  "...our last dance"

provando diferentes modelos y gastados para la mujer en  "...our last dance"

16 August 2011

threatening and malevolous look for the las panel reveal on  "...our last dance"

look malevolo y amenazante para la revelación en la ultima viñeta de  "...our last dance"

15 August 2011

sketch of the set were action took place on the 3 pages of "...our last dance"
this was not final, since i needed more open creavases for the brut hero to go around the central space behind the altar to attack the creature

boceto del set en donde tiene lugar la acción de las 3 paginas de  "...our last dance"
este no es el plano definitivo, ya que necesitaba mas aperturas para que el héroe bruto rodease el espacio central tras el altar para atacar a la criatura.

14 August 2011

sketching posses and blocking to integrate the three figures purposefully on the last panel took some doing

practicar las poses y el bloqueo de cámara para integrar con función narrativa las tres figuras en la ultima viñeta me dio curro

13 August 2011

sketching twisted neck menacing hot villain posse 

aboceteando pose de cuello roto villana cachonda amenazante

12 August 2011

basic blocking for final panel with the 3 character present, female victim revealed as menace, brut hero sucked dead, remaining hero startled by cliff hanger ending!

blocage básico para la ultima viñeta  con los 3 personajes presentes, mujer víctima revelada como amenaza, hero bruto consumido hasta la muerte y el hero que queda sorprendido por el final cilffhanger!

11 August 2011

3rd page thumbnail for "...our last dance"
last panel is uncorrected

distribucion de la 3a pagina de "...our last dance"
ultima viñeta sin corregir

10 August 2011

earlier on the other hero was to get drained out on the woman's deadly reveal
later i switched for the brut hero, so it'd seem like he had a prior relationship with her and also to have him be more than the big strong guy

inicialmente el otro héroe seria quien seria absorbido en la revelación de la mujer mortal
mas tarde lo cambie por el héroe bruto, así parece que tenían una relación de pareja previamente y para que así no fuese simplemente el fuertote

09 August 2011

creature beats the dust pose sketch

boceto de pose la criatura muerde el polvo 

kiss sequence on "...our last dance" sketched out
the idea was to start subtly then, get very intense and then have the reveal on the last panel
during this sequence the life force has fluxed from one character to the other, who's been drained, as shown on the last panel

bocetos de  la secuencia del beso en "...our last dance" 
la idea era la de empezar sutilmente, después que subiese la intensidad repentinamente para rematar en la revelación de la ultima viñeta.
durante esta secuencia la energía vital de uno de los personajes a fluido hacia el otro, quedando este seco, como se muestra en la ultima viñeta

07 August 2011

page 2 last panel thumbnail action resolved

pagina 2 ultima viñeta acción resuelta

06 August 2011

page 2 panels 1 and 2 action resolved, panel 3 wrong

pagina 2 viñetas 1 y 2 accion resueltas, viñeta 3 erronea

05 August 2011

page 2 panel 1 final thumbnail
some kissing and woman head shot

pagina 2 viñeta 1 thumbnail definitivo
mas besos y cabeza de la mujer

04 August 2011

trying to fit the reveals of the woman tranformation and the corpse in the same posse and make it work... somewhat

intentando aunar las revelaciones de la transformación de la mujer y el cadáver en la misma pose y que funcione... mas o menos

03 August 2011

some random sketching with a isograph
some wolverine hair styles, some child like vaders and a random space hibernation capsule.
isographs are cool but awkward... they're expensive and i always forget to clean them up... 
so i'm always looking at the pen sitting at my desk thinking has it dried up already, can i still clean it and save the day, is it all over, have i thrown away more money again on a stupid isograph i rarely use... 
rapidographs i have problems with too... never like paying for the expensive cartridges ... 
everything is expensive with rotring ... but i do love them in a weird way

02 August 2011

this is some of the clothing kira wears under her clothes. 
i got the inspiration from either gaultier or galiano using bullfighter one piece suits on their models.
they're super tight, they're really short on the calfs and they dont go very high on the chest, keeping the breasts above the suit.
i really like this part of her outfit
the suit looks grounded but futuristic, masculine in its reference but very feminine on its presence
appropriate for the character's attributes and environment

01 August 2011

kira delivers package to old robot
that was pretty much the description for this character. 
the robot is weakly built like a bony person and has a leather coat that makes him look a bit wider but you can tell it's just large...